

50% off selected items. Here we go with our logo t-shirt ‘a square peg in a round hole’

Now you probably already have a few t-shirts, so what makes this one a little bit special? Well it is ethically made, which means the textile workers are paid a ‘living wage’.
All of the power generated for the factory is derived from renewable energy; wind and solar power. This allows Golf Refugees to use 'carbon reduction' label for its ethically made organic cotton t-shirts. Organic cotton is very different to conventionally grown cotton which uses synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. The factory also cleans and recycles 90% of its water. Other leading sportswear brands decide to use a much cheaper option by flushing away their dye-coloured water into local rivers causing widespread pollution.

To summarise it may look like all your other t-shirts but it’s not. It’s made with ‘care’. Care for the textile workers and care for the environment. You could describe them as hidden values.

Available in moss green and dark grey, men's sizes S, L, & XL for just £6.99 / 8 euros / 10 dollars excluding P&P. Just e-mail us your order stating 'January sales' to; 

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